/* * Change Log for jQuery Cycle Plugin * Examples and documentation at: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/ * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 M. Alsup */ 2.99 12-MAR-2001 - fix bug that prevented after callback from being invoked for first slide (when timeout was zero) 2.98 08-MAR-2011 - fix potential IE error in getBg function 2.97 14-FEB-2011 - sort default options alphabetically 2.96 11-FEB-2011 - fixed issues where custom transition properties were overwritten 2.95 09-FEB-2011 - allow timeout to be set to zero for 'none' fx (via timeoutFn) - added :paused selector - added missing semi-colons (thanks Christiaan Baartse) 2.94 20-DEC-2010 - added 'fadeout' transition effect 2.93 17-DEC-2010 - add 'slideResize' option this option defaults to true and will cause slides to be resized to original dimensions before every transition 2.92 15-AUG-2010 - more fixes for 'rev' option 2.91 15-AUG-2010 - tweak scrollHorz and scrollVert to honor 'rev' option 2.90 14-AUG-2010 - fix typo in exposeAddSlide function 2.89 02-AUG-2010 - fix with 'rev' option 2.88 08-JUN-2010 - fix bug in timeoutFn logic - add 'backwards' option to traverse the slideshow in reverse order - add 'bounce' option to traverse back and forth through a slideshow 2.86 05-APR-2010 - add 'instant resume' logic to 'toggle' command (if arg2 === true) 2.85 30-MAR-2010 - fix application of 'activeSlide' class when slideshow starts out paused 2.84 30-MAR-2010 - fixed bug that caused pager to change during paused slideshow 2.83 29-MAR-2010 - don't assume anchor elements for pager links 2.82 24-MAR-2010 - make sure args are consistent when invoking custom transition functions 2.81 18-MAR-2010 - deprecated pagerClick; use onPagerEvent instead - deprecated prevNextClick; use onPrevNextEvent instead - fixed logic for calcing next slide when request for curr slide is chosen manually: (http://forum.jquery.com/topic/cycle-plugin-stops-slideshow-when-go-to-specific-slide-called-i-e-cycle#14737000000787064) 2.80 05-MAR-2010 - added 'destroy' command option to unbind all events: $('#s').cycle('destroy'); - added 'allowPagerClickBubble' option to allow pager click events to bubble 2.79 03-MAR-2010 - presence of pagerAnchorBuilder option now implies pager option is true if it is missing 2.78 28-FEB-2010 - improved slide size detection 2.76 21-FEB-2010 - prevent before callback from being invoked for pager click on curr slide (thanks Trevor Borgmeier) 2.75 10-FEB-2010 - minor fixes to random logic - exposed 'updateActivePagerLink' fn as options property (thanks Gercek!) 2.74 03-FEB-2010 - added 'toggle' command option to toggle between pause and resume (thanks Shane!) 2.73 04-NOV-2009 - fixed support for multiple pagers on one slideshow 2.72 09-SEP-2009 - fixed bug in Shuffle speed calculation (recalced on every pass) - timeoutFn now invoked on first transition (instead of only subsequent transitions) - added 'none' effect for non-animation transitions (by request) (@see http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/none.html) 2.71 11-AUG-2009 - added 'prevNextEvent' option to allow events other than 'click' to drive prev/next transitions 2.70 10-AUG-2009 - added 'prev' and 'next' command string support (@see http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/prevnext.html) (@see http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/synchronize.html) 2.69 23-JUL-2009 - fix image sizing bug in Opera (hack) 2.68 24-JUN-2009 - quieted some lint warnings for var re-declarations, etc. 2.67 18-JUN-2009 - better event suppression of pager links 2.66 06-JUN-2009 - add FF hack for image sizing 17-MAY-2009 - add 'cleartypeNoBg' to options list (previously undocumented) 2.65 04-07-2009 - fixed typo in clearTimeout (thanks Chris Vickery!) 2.63 03-17-2009 - changed img.complete logic to be less aggressive. (don't need to requeue just because images aren't loaded) 2.62 03-14-2009 - fix typo (cycleY) - use img.complete prop test 2.60 03-14-2009 - revert sizing changes from 2.58 - not reliable x-browser - make 'removeFilter' logic resilient to old Opera versions - add auto-requeue logic for image slideshows that don't specify image size - fix handleful of 'strict' warnings (per Komodo) 2.58 03-12-2009 - improved size detection logic in buildOptions fn. $slides.each(function() ... - changed @requires to 1.2.6 (should have been there anyway since I use inner/outerHeight) 2.57 03-09-2009 - Added 'manualTrump' option. By default, manual transitions stop any active transition instead of being ignored. Setting manualTrump to false switches this behavior so that manual transitions are only honored if there is no active transition (which makes Cycle behave like versions < 2.37) - fixed typo in log message (thanks, bdukes!) 2.56 03-03-2009 - fix bug in opacity check (shouldn't limit to IE6) 2.55 25-FEB-2009 - Missed a 'return this' in auto-ready logic. 2.54 23-FEB-2009 - fixed typo in 'fast resume' logic. 2.53 23-FEB-2009 - fixed bug in cleartype fix logic. need to apply this all the time now due to how commonReset works. 2.52 21-FEB-2009 - improve multi effect support, especially with 'goto' manual transitions (@see http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/goto4.html) - improve auto-sizing logic (test for zero sizes before sizing) - allow cycle to be called without a ready-handler (@see http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/ready.html) - reorganized and commented source code - fix memory leak (opts.container) - drop support for shorthand (className) syntax for setting width, height and timeout options - drop support for 'click' option, use 'next' instead - added $.fn.cycle.next and $.fn.cycle.prev functions (state must be passed in) - fix bug when passing initial values for animIn,animOut,cssBefore,cssAfter 2.51 16-FEB-2009 - fixed bug which occurred when anchors were used as slides. - simplified some of the transition definitions. 2.50 14-FEB-2009 - new feature: multiple effects per slideshow (@see http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/multi.html) (@see http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager13.html) 2.37 12-FEB-2009 - fixed bug in "busy" logic. Manual transitions now work much better when triggered during a transition. Cheers to Moe from Germany for reporting this! (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager10.html) 05-FEB-2009 - cleaned up pixel offsets in scroll transitions 2.36 04-FEB-2009 - fix shuffle effect when used with pagers 2.35 02-FEB-2009 - improve containerReize logic 2.34 02-FEB-2009 - allow 'fastOnEvent' option to accept speed override value (in ms) for manual transitions 2.34 26-JAN-2009 - fixed bug in stop/restart logic - remove userAgent sniffing when running with jQuery 1.3 2.32 21-DEC-2008 - allow pagerAnchorBuilder to return null - added zero-selection test - add containerResize option (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/containerResize.html) - fixed bug re: auto-pausing and manual pausing (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pause2.html) - added more doc on callback signatures to $.fn.cycle.defaults section of code - added support for per-slide timeout values (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/timeout.html) 2.30 02-NOV-2008 - improved addSlide logic to account for backward nav (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/add6.html) - fixed issue in addSlide logic for fade fx (when using anchors) 2.28 06-OCT-2008 - fixed type coersion issues with startingSlide, timeout and speed options - change speed option to honor $.fx.speeds object (introduced in jQuery 1.2.6) - added "immediate" functionality to resume logic (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/resume.html) - added pauseOnPagerHover option (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pagerHover.html) 2.26 08-11-2008 - improved 'goto' functionality when using scrollHorz/scrollVert transitions (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/goto2.html) 2.25 08-11-2008 - added 'fastOnEvent' option to force (nearly) immediate transitions when transitions are triggered manually (using pager or prev/next functionality) (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager10.html) 2.24 07-30-2008 - Fixed bug that prevented 'pause' option from working when 'slideExpr' option was used. 2.23 07-29-2008 - Dropped downlevel support - jQuery v1.2.3 or later is now required - Added support for dynamically adding pager anchors when using addSlide (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/add5.html) - Added support for scrollHorz/scrollVert transitions with pager (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager9.html) - Added mechanism to advance slides from outslide the plugin (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/goto.html) Note: 06-08-2008 Released Cycle Lite Plugin for fade transitions only. @see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/lite/ 2.22 06-08-2008 - Tweak cover/uncover transitions to allow better customizations (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/cover2.html) 2.21 05-31-2008 - Improved support for dynamic adding of slides (most transitions were updated in the process) - Added new demo: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/add2.html 2.20 05-23-2008 - Added 'wipe' transitions (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/wipe.html) 2.19 05-21-2008 (never published) - Exposed fn for controlling how the active pager link is styled: $.fn.cycle.updateActivePagerLink (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager7.html) 2.18 05-05-2008 - Added transitions: growX, growY - Added transitions: curtainX, curtainY - Added transitions: coverLeft, uncoverLeft - Added transition: toss (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/grow.html) (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/curtain.html) (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/cover.html) (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/toss.html) 2.17 05-04-2008 - Auto-style slides to position top:0, left:0 - Added 'blindX', 'blindY' and 'blindZ' transitions (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/blind.html) 2.16 04-30-2008 - Fixed clearType issue with first slide (before any transitions occur) 2.15 04-27-2008 - Fixed 'unknown transition' log message when using custom transition 2.14 04-26-2008 - added 'pagerEvent' option to specify something other than the 'click' event for pager controls (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager5.html) 2.13 04-08-2008 - automatically stop a running slideshow if cycle is called on the same container again 2.12 04-05-2008 - added 'addSlide' option function to allow slides to be added to a slideshow after it has been started. (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/add.html) 2.11 04-05-2008 - added 'continuous' option to provide a way to continuously transition slides. note that this will not result in a seemless scroll for the scroll transitions, but it works well for most other transitions. (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/continuous.html) - added 'end' option for defining a callback fn that is invoked when the slideshow terminates normally. the 'end' callback is only supported in conjuction with the 'autostop' or 'nowrap' options. (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/end.html) 2.10 02-10-2008 - added 'nowrap' option to prevent next/prev from wrapping to beginning/end of slideshow; note that nowrap will also prevent an auto-advance slideshow from wrapping. Thanks to Wade Maxfield! (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/nowrap.html) (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/nowrap2.html) 2.09 01-22-2008 - added 'cleartypeNoBg' option to prevent setting background-color on ie6 when using the 'cleartype' option 2.08 01-22-2008 - add support for ClearType corrections in IE (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/cleartype.html) 2.07 01-22-2008 - fixed problem with shuffle effect when using different size slides - fixed logic for calculating random slide order. Thanks to Henri Médot for this fix! 2.05 01-16-2008 - added support for backward navigation with the shuffle effect (ie: using the prev option) (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/shuffle.html) 2.04 01-13-2008 - added support for 'slideExpr' option which identifies slide element types (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/slideExpr.html) 2.03 12-02-2007 - added support for metadata plugin v2.0 (http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/metadata/jquery.metadata.js) 2.02 11-13-2007 - added 'startingSlide' option - added 'fadeZoom' effect 2.01 10-25-2007 - improved pagerAnchorBuilder support so existing DOM elements can be used as anchors (@see: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager3.html) - fixed bug: activeSlide class not set correctly initially 2.00 10-20-2007 - added slideCount to opts object so it can be read in callback functions - added pagerAnchorBuilder option to support custom pager anchor creation 1.99 10-17-2007 - Fixed $ usage in transition definitions (changed to jQuery) 1.98 10-12-2007 - added click callback support for pager and prev/next (pagerClick, prevNextClick) 1.96 09-30-2007 - added autostopCount option so that autoStop behavior can be customized; autostopCount is the number of transitions to perform before stopping 1.95 09-23-2007 - fix bug: pager was not clearing timeout 1.94 09-17-2007 - fix bug: before callback was being invoked when slideshow was paused 1.93 08-29-2007 - fire before/after handler for slide0 on init - added pause/resume support 1.92 08-24-2007 - fixed bugs in scrollHorz/scrollVert - added fence to prevent concurrent animations - added ver function 1.91 08-23-2007 - fixed bugs in scrollHorz/scrollVert 1.9 08-22-2007 - added scrollHorz and scrollVert transitions - refactored transitions to be size aware (per slide) 1.8 08-21-2007 - fixed bug with scroll transitions $slides.gt(0).show(); 1.7 08-20-2007 - added cssFirst option to simplify external CSS dependency - added cssFirst props to included transitions - fixed bug in fade transition by adding: $slides.gt(0).css('opacity',0); 1.6 08-14-2007 - added support for prev/next click triggers - added pager controls functionality - allow click triggers and timeouts on same slideshow - deprecated 'click' option in favor of 'next' - timeout=0 disables auto-advance - pass args to before/after callbacks 1.5 08-13-2007 - rearchitect to support custom transitions and transition plugins - added support for click triggers - added new transitions: turnUp/turnDown/turnLeft/turnRight 1.3 08-09-2007 - removed fade2 effect (in favor of sync option) - added new transitions: zoom, slideX, scrollX, scrollUp/Down/Left/Right - renamed slide transition slideY - added delay option - added sync option - added easing support for all effects - added easeIn and easeOut options - added speedIn and speedOut options - change default easing to null - change default speed to 1000 1.2 08-04-2007 - added fade2 effect 1.1 08-02-2007 - added shuffle effect 07-31-2007 - added before/after callbacks 07-24-2007 - added autostop functionality 07-05-2007 - added custom fadeToggle 06-12-2007 - fix fade on Safari